All Posts Tagged ‘green onions


Fried shad roe with sesame udon


shad roe leek udon

This is such a late post – shad roe was in season in March, and I’m posting in April. When I first saw it I was like HOLY MOTHER__________ IT LOOKS LIKE A HUGE dick! I’ve never seen roe so big before!

Anyway -the lateness. It’s been hard to find motivation to post when being obsessed with wedding blogs and running experiments. I wonder if it’s the uterus/ovaries in me that can’t pull away from all the pretty (the wedding blogs, not the experiment), or maybe I’m just shallow and materialistic and ordinary like everyone else (sorry everyone else).



The way basic Vietnamese soups go (cách nấu canh căn bản) and um, growing green onions


The other day I brought my Vietnamese watercress soup (canh xà lách xoong) to the lab, and my lab manager was so surprised that it was so simple: handful of ground pork + watercress + water + salt/fish sauce = AWESOME soup. I think the real treasure of Vietnamese cuisine is our many different soups – at least 10 different types of noodles made from different starch, and many many kinds of greens that withstand the heat of soup well. And with the exception of some kinds of broth, Vietnamese soup is So.Darn.Simple.